Our goal as coaches is to help the students who work with us to earn better grades, develop more effective habits for their organization, time management, study skills, and feel less stressed and more confident about their ability to succeed in high school, college, and beyond! Here are some examples of feedback we’ve received from some of our previous clients about their experiences coaching with us.
“We were headed for a train wreck this fall. Instead, we have a thriving, resilient daughter—with her senior fall, college apps, and IB extended essay behind her and new time-management skills to carry her forward. And she’s getting straight As! Wow!”
“I cannot tell you how happy my husband and I are about the change in his attitude toward school. He is embracing the idea of wanting to learn the material, and we have seen his grades soar! It is wonderful to see him studying days in advance, rather than waiting until the day before.”
“I want to say “thank you” for all that you have done for Tyler and our family. It’s so refreshing to see Tyler’s confidence grow around his academic life. Our family life and our closeness have been enhanced because of your coaching program.
Thank you!!
“I didn’t think it would help me in taking exams as well as I am now. I am now a really good test taker. My scores were raised from low F’s and C’s to high B’s and A’s!”
“We peacefully coexist when you’re in charge of school instead of me. The wars are over and there’s peace in the land”
“I just wanted to say thanks for the help in my first semester. I actually got a 4.0 this semester and I’m so happy, I can’t wait for our next meeting!”
“I feel working with our coach has been really good for the twins. She’s great. My wife and I deeply appreciate your work to help our kids!”
“It’s really helpful. You learn a lot about yourself that you didn’t know before and [makes you go] ‘Whoa! That totally makes sense!’”
“Sophie loves working with you! Thank you for all the support and mentoring. It has been wonderful and we are so grateful for your support these past few months! I am so glad I found you.”
“Sometimes I feel like I don’t have time for a coaching session, but that is a mistake. It is always SO helpful. I end up feeling noticeably happier, more focused, and feeling so much better about my life!”
“Thank you again, for doing what you do — it is making a BIG IMPACT in James’ life and our family :)”
“It’s really helped with studying. It’s brought up my grades overall at least three points from an 83 to an 86. It brought my English grade up at least ten points.”
“I just wanted to thank you for all the help you have given me with regards to making me a more successful student. I’ve decided to attend Elon University next Fall! I wouldn’t be in this position without you!”
“This is great!! Morgan finally has hope again around school and is starting to work more at home. I know that this is going to change her academic life tremendously!”
“My first semester went really well, I got a 4.0 GPA! I really appreciate all you have taught me. It helped me personally and academically and I owe much of my success to our sessions. Thanks again for everything!”
“It showed us what good studying looked like, so we could compare what we were doing to what we should be doing. Before this, I felt like I was doing the best I could and when my parents complained about how I was doing, I just thought they didn’t understand.”
“Just want to thank you for your help last semester. My son has a much better attitude towards everything and his grades proved it. He also mentioned to us how he wants to strive for B’s or even better! Last night he went down to our gym for the first time ever on his own and hit the punching bag and lifted weights for a good 30 minutes. He came upstairs huffing and puffing with a big smile on his face. You are connecting with him with your coaching techniques and that is awesome.”
“I really needed this push, from someone who is not my dad. You’ve taught me more than I could’ve imagined. When I first started working with you, I had no idea what to expect. I wasn’t sure if you’d be really rigid and give me a hard time for not getting things done. But you’ve been so encouraging. And you’ve taught me strategies for how to encourage myself in the most positive way to get stuff done. It’s really been very, very helpfu!”
“I want to thank you on behalf of our entire family. We very much appreciate you and the support and coaching you have provided to our son. He talks about wanting to work with you again, down the road, after he gets through the next steps in his journey. And personally, I want to express my sincere appreciation of your positive contribution to all of our lives. From the start you have been so very positive, persistent, supportive, available, flexible, insightful and above all – caring. Thank you so much for that.”
“I have a lot better grades because I have better study strategies. I have a lot more confidence going into tests. I have really learned to set my priorities and focus on certain things, instead of just blowing everything off, [I just] get it done and know that eventually everything will pay off.”
“We were so impressed by your first session with our daughter. It was a breath of fresh air to see how well you connected with her, and we were really impressed by the intuitive questions you asked to gauge her style of learning. We are so excited to continue working with you!”
“I graduated magna cum laude in three years with a BA in political science, and have already been admitted to a top 20 law school. This would not have been possible without having learned how to study, be organized, and plan for school from you. Not only did you teach skills, but you encouraged me and helped me to believe that I could be deserving of success. The combination of learning how to be a good student and believing I could be a good student has made all the difference. The skills you taught me and encouragement you gave undoubtedly led to my success since then. Thank you so much!”
“We are so thankful for you!!!! You have made a HUGE difference in so many ways in our life!! We are better as a family, and Sarah is even more herself and finding her success and confidence in large part because of you and all of our work with you!! You are truly a blessing!!!
Much, Much Thanks!!”
Ready to Get Started?
In this complimentary 30-minute parent strategy session we’ll discuss your teen’s situation, identify the obstacles that have been getting in their way, and discuss potential solutions that could help them create the successful, positive future they deserve.