We’re on a mission to help students earn

We believe that when students learn the strategies they need to reach their goals in school, it does much more than just improve their GPA. It gives them HOPE that no matter how stressful or overwhelming things might feel, there is always something they can do to make things better.

It gives them KNOWLEDGE about how to get organized, manage their time, and stay motivated to reach their goals.

And it gives them CONFIDENCE that no matter what happens in the future, they can learn how to overcome any challenge life throws at them.

What We Believe

Grades ≠ Self-worth. Grades aren’t a reflection of how inherently smart or capable a student is (but they do indicate how well their current habits & strategies are working for them).
Students do well if they can. We don’t need to convince students to care about doing well, because deep down they already do. If students aren’t doing as well as they want to (yet), it’s not because they don’t want to…it’s because something is getting in their way. (It’s our job to help them find out what that is…and how to overcome it!)
Effort >> IQ. Once students get into challenging classes, their work ethic has a bigger impact on their success than their innate intelligence. Which is good news, because effort is something students can control…and the harder they work, the smarter they will get.
Most students aren’t learning how to learn. But they should be. Most students leave for college without ever learning the most effective ways to study. This is something every student can benefit from learning as early in their educational journey as possible.
What matters most in the long term isn’t success or failure, but learning. Every “failure” can end up as part of a bigger-picture success story in the long run if you can find a way to learn something valuable from it.
Students would be better off if they stopped STRESSING so much about what matters to colleges, and spent more time focusing on on what (really) matters to them. Because which college they get into ultimately matters a lot less than what they do – and who they become – once they get there.


Being a successful student doesn’t matter as much as becoming a competent adult. But if you approach high school and college the right way, the skills and lessons you learn along the way can set you up for success in the rest of your life.


This is about more than getting good grades, it’s about learning how to

 “Thank you for your immeasurable help to Natalie and our whole family this fall. We were headed for a train wreck. Instead, we have a thriving, resilient daughter. I honestly don’t know how things would have worked without your sage, accessible and amazingly convenient help this fall. Thank you again on behalf of all of us.”

Parents – 12th Grader, Mira Loma High School

Ready to Get Started?

In this complimentary 30-minute parent strategy session we’ll discuss your student’s situation, identify the obstacles that have been getting in their way, and discuss potential solutions that could help them create the successful, positive future they deserve.