Kids Want to Do Well!

Kids Want to Do Well!

“They know what they need to do.I’ve reminded them 10 times already.This isn’t that hard.Why aren’t they doing it?Do they just not care?” We talk to parents all the time who are worried that their kids just don’t seem to care about doing well,...
How to finish the semester strong

How to finish the semester strong

With the end of the semester approaching, how can students make sure they’re doing their best to finish strong so they can head into the holidays feeling proud of what they’ve accomplished? With only a few weeks of classes left, there are really only two main areas...
Why students procrastinate (Hint: it’s not what you think)

Why students procrastinate (Hint: it’s not what you think)

  How does your teen respond to deadlines & due dates? Do they typically… Get started on their work as soon as it’s assigned? Wait until the due date approaches before they begin? Delay starting their work until (or past!) the last possible second? While many...